The Virtual Bunny Vibrator – Turns A Man Into A Rabbit Vibrator

The Virtual Bunny Vibrator - Turns A Man Into A Rabbit Vibrator If you want to turn your man into a super-vibrator, this is the product for you. Here is how to do it. The stretchy ring is placed around the base of the penis. This applies slight pressure to restrict blood flow out of the penis, allowing it to inflate more fully. The result of a penis ring is a stronger, fuller erection. So now your lover is at his most erect. The vibrating portion of the ring turns the male member into a vibrator. During intercourse, the bullet portion of the ring can be positioned to provide incredible clitoral stimulation. The result is pleasurable for both partners. It could easily be the best sex you will ever experience. The virtual bunny is a very high quality vibrating cock ring. Couples will really enjoy this product. The ring is made of super-stretchy ultra skin that is very comfortable for a man to wear. The vibrating mechanism is so small that it is wireless. Without wires to get in the way and with this bunny around his penis, your man will be a walking super-vibrator. Wow! Get it from ShopInPrivate .

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