What is anal like for women? Thirty-three young adults talk about pleasure, pain and the reasons they have anal sex in a recent study from the US.

Text: Sarah Moses
Image: Shutterstock / Chilli Productions
16 March 2017

More Sex and science
Read more about:
Anal sex: top five facts
Anal sex: do’s and don’ts
Anal sex: why do people like it?
More articles on: anal sex
About 40 per cent of all US women have had anal sex at some point in their lives, research has shown. But because of the stigma attached to it, there’s very little research out there on what it’s like for women and how to stay safe.

Intrigued by the mysteries of female anal, Love Matters tracked down sexpert Kimberley McBride at the annual get-together of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality. She spotted the gap in the research way back in 2003.

‘It was really taboo at the time – it was something that sexual science wasn’t receptive to,’ Dr McBride says. ‘I had lots of female friends coming to me and saying, “My partner wants to try this and I’m terrified” or “Is he gay?” but I didn’t have any research to give them an answer. We only had a few studies at the time, and they were all about HIV risk.’

Dr McBride figured the time had come to understand more about women’s experiences with anal sex, and she’s been working on the topic ever since. In a recent study, she tracked down 33 women aged 18 to 30 who were willing to chat about the subject. During five focus group sessions, the women talked openly about their attitudes towards anal sex, why they’d tried it (if they had), their knowledge of anal sexual health, and the kinds of products they used.

The chats were later analysed for themes. Dr McBride was interested in how the women felt about anal intercourse as well as other types of anal sex, including manual fingering, oral anal, and .

When it came to penetrative anal sex, most of the women in the focus group weren’t really into it. Firstly, they felt there was a lot of stigma about it. Secondly, it hurt! The amount of pain and discomfort varied among the women though. Some said it was extreme, while others were in two minds about it. Some felt that pain was part of the experience.

So if pleasure wasn’t the main reason to have anal sex, why were they doing it?

‘Oftentimes it was to please a partner,’ Dr McBride said. ‘A few women talked about pleasure, but that wasn’t really the immediate response.’ That’s not to say they didn’t feel it could be pleasurable for other women – but it wasn’t the main reason they were having it. It was more to do with their relationship – about increasing intimacy and trust, and pleasing their partner.

Then there was pure curiosity. Some women were keen to try it because their friends had told them about their experiences or there had been some reference to anal sex in the media.

The women’s reasons for having non-intercourse anal sex were different. Fingering and sex toys were pleasurable for some, said Dr McBride. They gave reasons like, ‘It feels good’ and ‘It’s fun to be experimental’ for trying these things out. For other women, these were ways to build up to intercourse.

The women in McBride’s focus group lacked knowledge about anal sexual health – something they recognized and were worried about. They wanted to know more, but they didn’t feel comfortable talking to a doctor about it. And they had no idea where to find reliable information on the internet.

HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) were concerns for many of the women. Unfortunately, some of their ideas about anal sexual health were just plain wrong, says Dr McBride.

‘They would say things like, “Well, you know the vagina is moister so I would think that that could be a bigger problem for infections because of bacteria. The anus is dry so there’s probably less chance that you would have an infection.” But of course, scientifically we know the opposite is true!’

If anal sex is something you’d like to try, Dr McBride has five tips to keep in mind.

‘A lot of women talked about a partner just doing something – so putting their finger there or their mouth there or their penis there – and how that wasn’t okay. So communication is the first thing and be very explicit about it.’
‘For women, the relaxation thing is very important. Try fingering or oral contact, getting used to the sensations first.’
Start small
‘One of my participants said, “You kind of have to start small and work your way up.” So again, don’t start with a penis, but first stroking, then maybe a finger.’
Use a good water-based lube
‘Of course, use lots of lubricant – and water-based lube, not saliva, not anything petroleum-based. The rectal tissue is much more fragile than the vaginal tissue and it doesn’t self-lubricate in the same way. So it’s important to have lube – but good lube!’
Use a condom
‘Certainly, condom use is important. So if there’s any risk for STI transmission or HIV, make sure to use a condom, preferably polyurethane or latex. And again, not just lubricant on the condom because that could dry out. Changing the condom if you’re going between anal and vaginal or anal and another type of behaviour is important to prevent infection.’


in long-term relationships can get stale and unexciting if you don’t step up your game. Here are some tips to help keep sex and passion alive in your bedroom.

Text: David Joshua Jennings
Image: Eviled
1 January 2016

More Do’s and Don’ts
Read more about:
How to keep long-term relationships fresh
Hit refresh on your relationship!
What you need to know about sex in long-term relationships
More articles on: long-term relationships
This article is a part of our “Editors pick Best of 2015” series. It was first published on 17th April, 2015.


Have sex in new places
To keep sex fresh you’ve got to make it new, and one of the best ways to do this is to have sex in new places. Start small. Make love in different places around the house, in the kitchen, for instance. From there, perhaps consider renting a hotel room every once in a while, or, if you’re feeling risqué, try doing it outdoors.

Vary the times
Who said sex is supposed to be at night before going to bed? There are 24 hours in a day – make use of them! Have sex in the afternoon, or in the morning before work – it will set a positive tone for the entire day.

Try out new positions
If you can count your repertoire of positions on one hand, it’s time you broaden your horizons. There are 64 sex positions in the Kamasutra alone…

Share your fantasies
Don’t be one of those couples that spends their entire lives together without revealing their fantasies. A long-term relationship is good for getting so comfortable with each other that you can finally open up. Take advantage of that closeness and set aside a night to talk about your fantasies – your sex life will definitely benefit.

Focus on foreplay
Foreplay is fantastic, and the longer it lasts the better your sex life will be. There’s plenty of experimentation to choose from, from oral sex to . Play with each other as much as possible to keep your sex fresh.
Try to watch porn together
If you both agree, porn is a great way to inject a little excitement into your lovemaking. Your preferred style of adult entertainment may differ, but if you look around you should be able to find something you both enjoy. Not only will it get you in the mood, it could also provide you with new ideas.
Try new things with each other
Sex doesn’t have to start with physical intimacy. You can begin building momentum with other intimate activities, for instance trying something new, such as taking a dance or yoga class together. Or just go on a date together. Just because you’ve been a couple for a long while doesn’t mean you can’t take each other out on dates any more.

Hesitate to surprise your partner
Whether it’s surprising your partner when they come home from work with candles or sexy lingerie, going down on them when they least expect it, or suggesting an unanticipated sexual experiment.
Underestimate flirtation
Flirting isn’t just for attracting the affection of someone you desire – it’s also playful and fun and can remind your partner that you’re still hot for them.
Be afraid of sex toys
There’s nothing wrong with bringing a little outside help into the bedroom, especially in the form of sex toys. Particularly if they are new to you, they can really reinvigorate sex with an established long-term partner.
Rule out technology
Now that smartphones are a part of our daily lives, why not take advantage of that technology to breathe life into your lovemaking? One example is sexting (foreplay with text messages), which can be a great way to fire up a workday and get both of you in the mood for the evening.
Be afraid to spend time apart
If you’re in a long-term relationship with someone you truly care about, being away from them can be difficult. Sure, you want to spend as much time with them as you can, but it’s also important to have space to yourself. Being apart every once in a while allows you a bit of needed freedom and also makes both of you miss each other – an ideal way to keep a long-term relationship interesting.


Curious to try anal but not sure how to go ahead? Let Love Matters help you with a step-by-step guide to safe and enjoyable anal sex for the first time.

Text: Roshan Kokane
Image: TospolFoto
21 February 2017

More Do’s and Don’ts
Read more about:
Gay sex isn’t just anal sex
Anal sex: do’s and don’ts
Drunk, forced to go anal
Revealed: what women really think of anal sex
More articles on: anal sex, lubricants, condoms
Be sure
If you have never tried anal sex, it can be an intimidating prospect. Understand that it’s ultimately your decision to go ahead or not. If you don’t feel ready for it, communicate your feelings to your partner. If they really love you, they will understand your choice.
On the other hand, if your partner isn’t ready for anal sex, talk to them. Forcing your partner will only add stress to the relationship. Find out why they are reluctant and give them time to come to terms with the idea. If they aren’t comfortable with anal sex, try other ways of making love. Sex, of any kind, is only pleasurable when both partners agree to it.

Prepare yourself
If and when you decide to go ahead and give it a try, prepare yourself well. Anal sex isn’t very painful, if performed with care. The muscle surrounding your anus is tight and that can be discomforting for the first time. Relaxing the muscle will reduce the discomfort. So relax and enjoy your first time. Talk to your partner about going slow and take one step at a time.

Know myths from facts
Several myths cloud our perception about anal sex. Some of these myths have cultural roots while others are purely misconceptions. Anal sex isn’t just for homosexuals, neither is it “dirty”.

Find out more about anal sex myths.

Be clean and safe
Anus is a region highly susceptible to infection. You should always wash yourself before anal sex. Don’t use too much soap around as it makes the area dry and can also lead to infections. Also, make sure that your bowel is empty for comfortable penetration. And always use a condom.

Always start with foreplay
The anus doesn’t self-lubricate. It is important you start with foreplay so that the receptive partner is excited and prepared for the act. Building anticipation will only help you to relax and enjoy anal sex.

Don’t penetrate immediately
It is possible that your partner is not ready for penetration right away. Start stretching the muscle by inserting a finger first. See if your partner is aroused by this. Once comfortable, try multiple fingers, butt plugs or a vibrator. If and only when your partner finds this enjoyable, go ahead with penetration. Inserting the tip of your penis for the first few times will be difficult as the tip is the widest part. Don’t lay flat on your stomach, the pressure might cause a tear around anus, use different positions instead.

Read out more about sex positions.

Use lubricants
Lubrication reduces friction, making anal sex more enjoyable and less painful. Choose silicone-based lubricants. Wash yourself well after you’re done to avoid infections. Using unclean or penis may lead to infections. Always remember to keep it healthy and safe!


As the years pass by in your marriage, your life can get monotonous. Sex might seem like a routine. Believe it or not, sex can just get plain boring!

Image: Love Matters
Your bodies change with time and age. You perhaps don’t find yourself and your partner as desirable and sexy as you did when you first met. And with that, sex isn’t as exciting anymore. You might also feel like you know each other’s bodies like the back of your hand. You might feel like there’s nothing left to explore. You’ve done whatever needs to be done to turn each other on hundreds of times. What next?

A word of reassurance: you’re not alone. Many couples find themselves scurrying for answers to the same question. Nobody wants a stale sex life, right? So here are some tips to spice up your married sex life.

Think sex and think sexy.
Sex is still an important part of your relationship, even when you’ve been together for years, and life is full of other concerns.

Talk about your sexual desires.
Now that after years of marriage you are comfortable with each other, communicate with each other about the different ideas you have about sex. Basically, let each other know what you expect in your sex life.

Share responsibility for adding romance to your marriage. Don’t blame each other for a boring sex life. See what you can do to make it better.

Get back in shape – it’s good for your health as well as your sex life. If you think your body needs some toning, go running or hit the gym. Work out together. Feel attractive and you will look attractive to your partner.

Plan date nights. It doesn’t need to involve anything elaborate. Just find ways to spend time with each other, minus the kids. It could be dinner at a restaurant, a walk on the beach, a movie – whatever suits you.

Set the mood for romance.
Take the effort to try something different in your bedroom. If you’ve done the erotic scents and baths, try . A panty vibrator or a playful condom could turn the heat up, or how about an oil massage with a happy ending?

Play games with each other. Write down your sexual fantasies in chits and pool them together into a hat. Pull one out each week and follow the instructions. This will kill the predictability in your sex life. (But remember that fantasies are not always something you – or your partner – would like to act out in real life. Make it a rule that you will never pressure your partner into doing something they don’t feel comfortable with.)

Express your intimacy. Touch your partner in different ways throughout the day – it doesn’t have to be sexual, just intimate. Write sexy, suggestive messages via emails, chat or SMSs. Get them thinking about sex even when you’re not having it.
To read more on the topic, check out our tips for sex in a long-term relationship.

Sometimes your sex life can suffer because of a sexual dysfunction – that means anything that causes you difficulty having or enjoying sex. Common dysfunctions are trouble getting an erection for men, and pain during sex for women.

There can be various different causes, both physical and psychological. But don’t just put up with it – get medical help. Sexual dysfunctions affect lots of people and most are curable. Think of all the positive things it will add to your life once the problem is solved! You can contact Love Matters’ partner FPA for advice.


You’re bound to feel frustration if your relationship is falling apart. Perhaps there have seen red flags, and you’ve been unhappy for some time. But if you still love your partner, share a life and think there’s a chance to save your relationship, then you’ve got to get to work fast! Whether you’re blindsided by the imminent end of a relationship or not, you’ll need to act fast to learn how to save a relationship. But there’s hope, especially if your man wants to save your relationship as much as you do!

This instructional video will teach you how to make him scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral tutorial video here.

how to save a relationship
Follow this advice to save a relationship that might still be salvageable.


This piece of advice offers several benefits. If you’ve been stuck in a cycle of fighting or arguing, you get to break out of it. Time apart helps you determine whether you want to save your relationship or not. If you find yourself missing your man, you can go back to him with a renewed sense of commitment rather than doubt. However, you might also find that you can live without him just fine and decide not to save your relationship, after all.

Read about more ways taking a break is good for your relationship.


If your relationship is lacking a basic foundation, including commitment, trust and emotional connection (basically everything listed in this post), then brushing up on your sex skills probably won’t save it. But if you’re sure you’ve got everything you need for relationship compatibility, and you just want to break out of your sexual routine, you’ve come to the right place! Check out some of the following posts to help.

My most powerful sex tricks and tips aren’t on this site. If you want to access them and give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these secret sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter. You’ll also learn the 5 dangerous mistakes that will ruin your sex life and relationship. Get it here.

Guide to sexual communication helps you talk about sex
Our ultimate guide to giving a great blowjob teaches you how to blow his… mind
Seven tips to spice up your sex life
Another 14 tips to spice up your love life if that wasn’t enough for you
Finally, a comprehensive list of over 20 that will change your sex life forever
Improving your sex life has many benefits, from discouraging both of you from straying to teaching you more about yourself to helping you function better as a unit. But you don’t need to take our word for it. Try something new tonight.


By this, we mean the youth of your relationship. Remember how it was in the beginning? You couldn’t wait to spend time together, and your hands couldn’t stay off one another’s bodies. You overlooked his quirks and thought he could fly over the moon. There were butterflies in your stomach when you thought about him or talked to one another. The beginning stage of a relationship is sweet and exhilarating, and getting back to it might help save your relationship now.

Encourage those feelings of giddiness. Flirt with your man. Remind him that he’s wanted. Go easy on your partner’s faults. Make time for a date night once a month at the very least. Dress up for your man and listen to what he’s saying. You might not have had a chance to do so lately, and it’ll only help your relationship.


Sometimes you can feel as though you’re doing everything in your power to work on your relationship. You might be exerting all your energy, but that’s not how to save a relationship if you’re not doing it right. A professional therapist can help you and your man better communicate and work as a team. If you get hung up on issues, he or she can help you move past them. Plus, a therapist provides an unbiased opinion that you might need.


Whether you seek help or not, you absolutely must talk to your partner if you’re going to save your relationship. Tell him how you feel and what you need. Don’t hide your feelings because of fear of conflict. They’ll only come out in a hurtful way later. Similarly, you’ll have to make space for your man to talk to you. Actually listen, even if it’s difficult. The speaker-listener technique is a good way to communicate. Learn more here.


Rebuilding your relationship takes time, and it can be easy to get caught up on how much progress you’re not making. But it’s important to celebrate those little successes, both yours and your partner’s. Look for something to enjoy in every day, be optimistic about your partner making changes and let him know when you do see those changes. Speak well of your relationship, and it’ll encourage you to continue working toward saving it.


Everyone makes mistakes. No one’s perfect. But it’s easy to hold those mistakes against people, even if those people are the ones we love most. Instead of holding that grudge, learn to forgive your man. He may be forgetful. He may not have tried to understand where you were coming from or communicated effectively in the past. He may even have cheated. But if you’re committed to moving forward, you’ll have to forgive him. And if he makes mistakes as you’re trying to save your relationship, forgive those, too.

This instructional video may be a bit shocking for you, but it will teach you how to build sexual tension, keep your man thinking about you and how to have passioniate sex by whispering some very simple “dirty” phrases in his ear. Check it out here to learn how.

Don’t forgive him just because he’ll feel better (he will) or because it’s good for your relationship (it is). Forgive him because it makes you feel better to not hold those grudges. While you’re at it, forgive yourself, too. We’re all imperfect humans who often contribute to the downfall of our relationships, but you can do better. Forgive yourself for stumbling along the way.


Many people only talk to others about their partners when they’re unhappy. It stands to reason that your mom, best friend or brother might only know the negatives about your relationship. They might push you to leave it, even if that’s not what you want. They probably have your best interests in mind, but unless your relationship is an abusive one, you can still save it.

You just need to tell everyone else to “Back off.” You’re with your man, and you intend to stay that way. Don’t let well-meaning friends and family, snoopy business colleagues, bitter exes or people who would like to break the two of you up get in between you. Nix the drama!


This goes hand-in-hand with the previous thought. Set boundaries – with others, with your man and with yourself! Boundaries are based on your feelings. When someone has crossed a line, you’ll know it. You might not think you have a right to say “No” to that sort of behavior, but this couldn’t be further from the truth! Setting boundaries gets you respect, encourages your mental health and prevents your relationship from entering into that downward spiral from which you cannot recover.

Boundaries vary, but here are a few ideas of boundaries that are healthy to set.

Specify when you can and should talk to your partner every day.
Don’t allow yourself to say hurtful things to him and vice versa.
Prevent yourself from venting to everyone when you’re upset with your man.
Don’t allow yourself, or your man, to become too close to friends of the opposite gender.
Determine if you’ll share passwords. When is it okay to have access to the other’s account. Will you tag one another on social media?
Only you know what’s acceptable and what’s not, and it’s up to you to voice those boundaries to your partner. Remember that setting boundaries can come with backlash from the other party and feelings of guilt, even if you realize that boundaries are healthy for you. This is normal, but you shouldn’t back down. Assure your man that you love him. Avoid ultimatums. Instead, point out how boundaries will make you feel secure and improve your relationship.


All too often, people misunderstand how to save a relationship. Yes, you need to be respected and feel loved, but demanding that from your boyfriend or husband often doesn’t work out. Instead, focus on making him happy. Kiss him goodbye when you part in the morning, pack him a lunch, text him while you’re at work and do other things – no matter how small – to make him smile and remind him of your love and appreciation. When he recognizes those positive feelings, he’ll be more likely to do what you ask and to work to save your relationship. If he’s on the fence, encouraging his happiness might also show him that your relationship is worth it!


There are a few things you should avoid if your goal is a happy, healthy relationship, such as:

Making boundaries that are impossible to keep (“always” or “never” boundaries).
Manipulating your man to get what you want.
Threatening to harm/kill yourself, him or your kids if he leaves.
Trying to get pregnant so he’ll stay.
Lying about pregnancy.
Guilting him into staying because of everything you’ve done to him.
These methods aren’t how to save a relationship! In fact, they’ll do more harm than good, and some of them are downright emotional abuse!

There’s no shortcut when it comes to saving your relationship. It takes a lot of work, and you should see progress if you’re doing that work right. There’s no guarantee that your relationship can be saved, especially if only one of you wants to save it, but you should try rather than just walk away at the first sign of relationship distress.

Can You Name All 12+ Erogenous Zones In Your Body?

There’s an episode of FRIENDS where the women teach Chandler about a woman’s seven spots or erogenous zones. Monica outlines a pattern of stimulation that will make a woman’s toes curl, and Rachel even excitedly exclaims about toes! While we never learn what exactly those places are, we know there are at least seven – if not more – erogenous zones on your body that you and your man should know about.

Quick Warning: While this tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral tutorial video here.

man kissing woman on the neck from behind, one of her erogenous zones

Pay particular attention to these erogenous zones during foreplay if you have trouble getting turned on, which can make your G-spot and clitoris more receptive to aggressive stimulation. You may find yourself more aroused, more easily pleased and more likely to orgasm after incorporating more erogenous zones than just your breasts, clit or vagina.
Erogenous Zones on the Female Body

You can take the time to get to know these sexy spots on your own body during masturbation. Then, you’ll be able to suggest to your man where he can touch you to get you extra turned on. Some erogenous zones may not respond to your own touch, like ticklish spots on your body, and you may not be able to provide the right type of stimulation, such as kissing, to some body parts.

However, you can give it a try, anyway. You may even be surprised at some of the unexpected places that can be highly sensual.
1. Ears

Ears play a significant role in foreplay. He can lick or nibble on them. Some women experience a shiver down their spine when they feel the heat of their partner’s breath on their ears, which happens during kissing or whispering. If your man purses his lips, his breath will feel cooler.

Don’t forget about fingers! Lightly tugging on earlobes or tracing the cartilage can feel more sensual than you can even imagine, and some women enjoy a light trace of the finger along the skin behind their ears.

If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter. You’ll also learn the 5 dangerous mistakes that will ruin your sex life and relationship. Get it here.
2. Neck

It’s no surprise that a woman’s neck is an erogenous zone because of all its nerve endings. After all, “necking” is a familiar name for making out! From kissing to leaving hickeys to massage, there’s plenty of ways to arouse your neck.

The part between the jaw and shoulders to the side is known as the nape, and it’s especially sensitive! It can feel delicious to run an ice cube down the skin of the neck. He can use his fingers or even a feather to lightly tickle your neck.

Just be sure to let him know if it’s okay to leave a love mark or not!
3. Lips

Most people realize that lips play a role in arousal and sex. In fact, our lips even become flushed and swell slightly as we become aroused. We use our lips and mouths to show affection to everyone, with open-mouthed kisses being the most intimate type. But lips can do so much more than that!

They respond to light touches such as being traced by a fingertip. You might like when your man bites your lips. Alternating sweet and passionate kisses help to keep things interesting, and if either you or your man needs a refresher in kissing technique, check out this post.
4. Hands

Here’s another unexpected erogenous zone. We usually think of hands in regards to what they can touch, but they can be touched, too. If you’ve ever gotten a hand massage, you can appreciate how good it feels to stimulate one of the most overworked parts of your body. It’s amazing even when it’s not sexual.

This instructional video may be a bit shocking for you, but it will teach you how to build sexual tension, keep your man thinking about you and how to have passioniate sex by whispering some very simple “dirty” phrases in his ear. Check it out here to learn how.

But if your man adds some massage oil and kneads the palms of your hands, rubs the backs of your hands and slides his fingers between yours, you might melt well before your clothes come off!
6. Lower Back

The lower back isn’t just a good place for a tattoo; it’s also one of those famous erogenous zones! If you experience lower back pain after a long day at work or during your period, you might especially enjoy the attention to this area.

A woman’s lower back is ripe for a regular massage, and your man’s hands can travel south to rub your butt, too. He can focus on your spine if it relieves any discomfort. You might have a hard time reaching your own lower back, but your man can kiss it or even run an ice cube down the small of your back.
7. Inner Thighs

If you automatically head to your clitoris or vagina when you masturbate, you may be making a mistake! The same goes for your man. Both men and women can experience pleasure from this area. The inner thighs are sensitive to both lighter touches and more intense ones, so your man can try tracing with his fingertips, kissing or licking for a lighter touch.

But if you like rougher sex, he can try even biting the fleshy part of your inner thighs. Some people also like slapping or spanking of the area.

Although you can’t reach your own thighs with your mouth, try caressing them the next time you masturbate.
8. Clitoris

We’ve already listed seven erogenous zones, and we’re just now getting to the clitoris. This is a powerful one. Without stimulation of the clit, most women are unable to orgasm. This is completely normal, but it’s also normal for clitoral stimulation to feel a bit uncomfortable if you’re not properly turned on first.

After turning yourself on, you can try a number of ways to stimulate your clitoris. This includes using your fingers, a vibrator or even rubbing against something such as a pillow or your partner’s thigh. These masturbation techniques will give you 14 different ways to stimulate your clit and the rest of your vagina.

If you’re like most women, you probably enjoy when your partner performs oral sex. If your man needs some assistance, suggest that he views your vulva like the face of the clock. As he moves around the clock, he should pay attention to the areas that you like the best.

If you like lots of clitoral stimulation during sex, then check out this in-depth guide to clitoral stimulation for everything you need to know.
9. Vagina

Once you’re sufficiently aroused, perhaps with an orgasm or two under your belt, vaginal penetration becomes more comfortable. It’s always a good idea to have a bit of lube on hand. More on that here.

The most sensitive part of your vagina is within the first few inches, which is why you don’t necessarily need a super-endowed partner for sex to feel good. Your G-spot is located toward the front wall of your vagina within the first two to three inches. Use your fingers to search for a bumpy area in a valley.

Other sensitive spots in your vagina include the anterior fornix erogenous zone (also called the A Spot), which is located along the front wall several inches further beyond your G-spot. There are some tools and toys you can use to reach this or any erogenous zone in your vagina, including fingers, your partner’s penis, a dildo or vibrator.

Depending on your body, you might prefer the friction of fast-and-hard thrusting, vibrations or simply the feeling of being full during penetration. However, vaginal stimulation doesn’t necessarily need to be aggressive to feel good.
10. Butt and Anus

Because of the proximity between your vagina and anus, there’s no surprise that this is yet another erogenous zone. You can experiment with anal sex or anal fingering if you’re not ready to dive in. A variety of exist specifically for pleasuring the back door: butt plugs and anal beads among them.

Not everyone is comfortable with anal sex, but your butt can still be receptive to sensual touches. Many people love when their partner grabs their ass, and some women enjoy spanking, too. Your partner should aim for the meatiest part of your butt cheeks when spanking or using impact play toys to be safe.
11. Breasts

While a man often goes straight for his woman’s breasts, not every woman finds her breasts to be a particularly sensitive area. You’re likely going to find your nipples the most sensitive, and you can pinch them or even try nipple clamps if you like more extreme sensations. A sensuous breast massage can also be quite relaxing.

Your man can lick or bite your nipples, which will be especially sensitive to cold. Ice is a popular “toy” for nipple play. Looking for inspiration? Try this advice on nipple stimulation.
12. And More

While we’ve listed off nearly a dozen places on your body that like to be touched, licked, kissed or even pinched, this isn’t even a comprehensive list of a woman’s erogenous zones! Any place on your body can respond to touch, and some people find certain places to be particularly sensitive.

Some women enjoy touches along the top of their backs while others find their feet unusually erotic. You might enjoy a foot massage or when your man sucks on your toes. Experimentation and communication are key to unlocking all of your erogenous zones – and his erogenous zones, too.
The Brain As An Erogenous Zone

Obviously, we don’t mean that you should massage the grey matter of your brain! But a woman’s brain might be the most potent erogenous zone that she has. Some women are even able to orgasm from thought alone [1]. But even if you can’t, you should respect your brain’s role in your sexuality. When you can get your mind in the mood for sex or masturbation, your body will often follow.

This is something that many men fail to understand, which can lead to unhappiness in your relationship. A woman whose mind is at ease is more likely to want sex, which means your man should take out the trash or help the kids with homework when he can so you can relax.

There’s also a saying about how men use sex just for the physical release while women need to feel love to have sex. If you feel used or objectified, you’re less likely to be turned on. Make sure your man understands this and makes you feel loved.

Mental foreplay is an enjoyable exercise that can have you thinking about and wanting sex like never before. Let your man know your plan to ravage him when you get home from work that day. Send a sexy text or even a photo when he’s at the office. Even a little flirting with your man can do the trick if you’ve gotten into a routine.

If you ignore the contribution of your mind to arousal and pleasure, you might have a hard time stimulating any of the erogenous zones on this list. But you’ll be glad when you incorporate teasing to increase sexual chemistry and provide sensation to a wider variety of body parts to facilitate more intense pleasure and better orgasms!

14 Answers to Your Big Questions About A Micropenis

As the name suggests, a micropenis is a small penis, and while you might be concerned about the impact on your life, it can be an even bigger deal for your partner. Many men worry if a micropenis will be a deal-breaker, and women fret over how sex with them will feel, but we’re here to assuage your fears and answer all your micropenis questions.

This instructional video will teach you how to make him scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.

1. What Is a Micropenis?

A micropenis is a smaller than average penis, and we’re not just talking about on the smaller size of average. Many sources list a micropenis as 3 inches in length when stretched or shorter or with a circumference greater than the length (a penis with a 1-inch diameter will have a circumference of 3.14″). Micropenises may even be shorter than one inch in length.

One standard definition is a penis that is 2.5 standard deviations less than the average when age is taken into consideration [1] [2], so what counts as a micropenis varies. For example, a study published in BJU International reported that the average penis was 5.21 inches with a standard deviation of .62 inches [3]. This means 2.5 standard deviations (1.55 inches) below the average of 3.66 inches – longer than the 3-inch suggestion.

Some doctors may incorrectly diagnose a micropenis, however [1].
2. What Causes a Micropenis?

A variety of factors contribute to a micropenis including congenital conditions, but a man without any other conditions may have a micropenis. Studies suggest it’s due to a lack of correct hormones, specifically testosterone, during his mother’s pregnancy. The same hormone imbalance may cause the scrotum to be smaller than normal, too [1].

Chemicals that interrupt hormone development may also contribute to developing a micropenis [4].

My most powerful sex tricks and tips aren’t on this site. If you want to access them and give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these secret sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter. You’ll also learn the 5 dangerous mistakes that will ruin your sex life and relationship. Get it here.
3. How Common Are Micropenises?

If you’ve never encountered a micropenis in the wild, you’re not alone. Over a period of three years, the occurrence of micropenis in newborn children was less than 2 in every 10,000 [5] – far less than 1% of the male population.

However, this estimate isn’t correct for every area. For example, one area in Brazil where certain pesticides were used saw an increase in genital malformation and micropenis [4]. In a study of 2,710 infants, researchers revealed that high levels of endocrine-disrupting chemicals from fertilizers during and prior to the mother’s pregnancy led to these malformations.
4. Is Masturbation Different for Men with Micropenises?

It can be! As you can imagine, wrapping an entire fist around a penis that’s only a few inches long can be difficult, so men who have a micropenis might choose to use just a few fingers to stroke their penises. If your partner is one of these men, it may be helpful for you to ask him to show you how he likes to be touched so you can adapt your own skills.

Some men with a micropenis opt not to masturbate in the traditional way at all. Instead, they rub against a mattress or pillow, like you may have done when you were younger – or may still do! This translates well to partner play if he rubs his penis against your body, especially your breasts or vulva and clitoris.
5. Can a Man Change the Size of His Micropenis?

The outlook doesn’t look good for adult men; however, young boys and children are the best candidates for hormone therapy that can increase their penis size. Options include injections and topical ointments [5].

How effective can these treatments be? Very! One researcher suggests successful treatment adds at least 3.5cm in length [6], which could potentially double (or more) the size of a micropenis. One possible side effect of these treatments is an increase in bone growth [7]; although, this may not be a negative thing.

This instructional video is a bit shocking, but it will teach you how to build sexual tension, keep your man thinking about you and how to have passioniate sex by whispering some very simple “dirty” phrases in his ear. Check it out here.

One possible solution to having a micropenis for an adult male is surgery of his penis [8], also known as phalloplasty. This procedure is similar to the surgery that transmen undergo when transitioning [9].
6. Will a Woman Date a Man With a Micropenis?

Some women won’t, but many are okay with it. Responses from women on sites such as Reddit and BuzzFeed whose partners had micropenises often indicated the many of those partners were excellent with their hands and mouths to make up for their penile deficiency. When relationships ended, it had more to do with romantic incompatibilities, sexual selfishness or the man’s insecurity.

Regardless, having a micropenis can cause a man to have a lot of sexual anxiety (find out more about sexual anxiety). He’ll worry that partners won’t accept him and will leave him or that those who do stay will stay out of pity. Another concern shared by some men with a micropenis is that he won’t be able to please his partner.

You probably have some of your own anxiety about sex, so keep that in mind when communicating and having sex with your partner. Sometimes performance anxiety can contribute to erectile dysfunction, too.
7. What Do Men Think About Having a Micropenis?

Most micropenis questions focus on sex, but the anxiety that a man faces about having a micropenis, unfortunately, doesn’t stop inside the bedroom. Many guys feel nervous when using locker rooms and showers or public bathrooms, where the size of their penis is on display for all to see.

One possible solution is to urinate in a stall, and peeing while sitting on the toilet may actually be easier depending on the size of his penis.
8. How Does Weight Affect a Micropenis?

Sometimes men or boys are concerned about their penises being small, but being overweight or obese can make a penis look comparatively smaller because there is so much fatty tissue surrounding it. This condition is actually known as buried penis [10]. Surgery may be an option for a person with a buried penis. When the man loses weight, lifts his stomach or is in positions such as Cowgirl (tips here), the appearance of his penis is larger, however.
9. Can You Be Sexually Satisfied with a Micropenis?

The good news for men with a micropenis is that his sexual function usually isn’t impaired.

For partners of men with a micropenis, there is also hope. The same things that make any man a good lover apply to a man with a micropenis. If he helps relax you, uses his hands and mouth and doesn’t focus on penetration, you can be incredibly satisfied.

Discover how small penis sex can be satisfying.
10. How to React to a Micropenis?

You might be shocked to learn that your man has a micropenis, especially if he hasn’t taken the time to warn you. He may be trying to avoid confrontation because he’s insecure about it.

You’ll want to be gracious and gentle. Of course, no laughing or pointing. Avoid asking if it’s hard or “in yet?”. Encourage him to stimulate you in other ways.

An enthusiastic blowjob or stroking him might help to ease his mind, and it’ll be easier if you’re really into this guy. If you plan to pursue a relationship, you don’t want to indicate that he’s blowing your mind when he isn’t. Honesty is essential, but it should be kind.

Discover how to talk about tricky sex subjects such as a micropenis in our guide to sexual communication.

Finally, you don’t want to give compliments that don’t seem sincere. He’s not “Sooo huge,” but maybe he’s really good with his hands or tongue. So give those compliments, instead. Find out how compliments can bring you closer together.
11. Are Toys a Good Solution to a Micropenis?

Absolutely! Many men with a micropenis get creative about pleasing their partners. Even if your man hasn’t suggested the idea of using a sex , you can bring it up by suggesting is would be really hot if he used one on you.

What types of do we recommend?

A dildo to help you feel filled.
A vibrator for intense stimulation (learn how to use one).
A penis sleeve that he wears during penetration so he’ll feel larger.
The We-Vibe or the Lelo Tiani, which is inserted during penetration.

Check out all our sex toy recommendations.

Not that a cock ring can make a man feel a bit larger because it restricts blood from leaving his penis. However, some cock rings may be too large. A custom stainless steel or glass cock ring may do the trick, and some rings are adjustable via snaps. More on that.
12. Can You Use Condoms?

You can and still should use condoms with a partner, even if he has a micropenis. It’s still possible to transmit STIs or become pregnant. However, average condoms might not fit. A condom that’s too loose may come off and not offer the protection you’re seeking.

Snug or secure fit condoms are designed to fit smaller-than-average penises, and all the major condom companies offer these styles. You might not be familiar with the brand Glyde, but they also offer a condom for micropenises: Slimfit Premium Small Size.

Not all smaller condoms are labeled as such, however. Don’t forget to consider the following condoms:

LifeStyles 3Sum
DUREX Avanti BARE Latex Condoms
Kimono Microthin Ultra
Okamoto Beyond Seven (nonlatex if either of you suffers from a latex allergy)

Another option is the female condom, which you insert into your vagina before sex rather than sliding over his shaft. The female condom is the perfect solution. It’s open at both ends, and you squeeze the inner ring like you would the NuvaRing to insert it. The remainder hangs out of your vagina while you have sex.

Some couples need time to get used to the female condom, but it’s worth it for your health and peace of mind!

Learn more about using male and female condoms in this post.
13. What Positions Work Best?

Hopefully you don’t feel too turned off by the answers to any of these micropenis questions. If you’re ready to have sex with a guy who is on the smaller size, certain positions work better than others.

As we’ve mentioned, any position where your man is on his back will minimize fatty tissue or a generous tummy, and it also gives you control over sex! Try Cowgirl, Reverse Cowgirl (learn more), or straddling him in a chair. Ideas here.

Positions that make his penis feel larger may also be more pleasurable, including Doggy Style and Spooning (more in this post), which allows you to close your legs.

However, any position that requires greater penile length to achieve pleasurable penetration will be frustrating or even impossible. Keep this in mind if you have a bodacious backside and are considering rear entry positions.

Pillows can be a sexual aid in lifting your hips closer to his. Experiment with propping one under your butt or hips to find the right angle. For even more support, you can invest in Liberator sex furniture and pillows, which are designed specifically to make sex easier (and more fun!).
14. Are There Any Benefits to a Micropenis?

Yes! Many women prefer giving head to a man with a micropenis. They can take his full length, and their jaws don’t become fatigued as quickly as with partners who have larger penises.

You might also realize that your partner’s smaller penis is ideal for anal sex.

Related: How to Have Pain-Free Anal Sex

For people who like rougher sex, a micropenis doesn’t carry the same risk of cervical pain.

While you might be surprised to learn that your partner has a micropenis, it might not be as much of a barrier to a pleasurable sex life as you anticipated. The same things that enhance sex with an average-sized partner – communication, foreplay and selflessness – apply here, and men with a micropenis often go the extra mile to make up for where they fall short.


Learning how to be good in bed is a process that doesn’t just happen overnight. It takes time to learn what works and what doesn’t work to please your man and fulfill him sexually. Luckily the Bad Girl’s Bible is huge and contains everything you need to learn how to properly satisfy your man in bed every time.

This instructional video will teach you how to make him scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral tutorial video here.

how to be good in bed, bad girls bible, sean jameson
But in case you don’t have time to read every single thing on this site, here are the main things that you absolutely must know if you are serious about giving your man maximum pleasure between the sheets the next time you are together.


A large part of the Bad Girl’s Bible is devoted to the art of giving your man an incredible blowjob. You’ll find tried and 19 tested blowjob tips that will knock his socks off and techniques that you should use on your man to give him better oral sex than he has ever had before.

There are so many different things you can do during a blowjob with your man that sometimes a lot of girls forget about the most important thing that you need to do for every blowjob you give your man:

Loving It! This tip sounds a little cheesy, but it’s vital. When you give your man a blowjob a huge part to turning him on is being enthusiastic about it and enjoying it. In others words, Loving It! You probably feel the exact same when your man goes down on you.

It’s a real turn off when he acts repulsed. But when he really enjoys what he is doing, then you both enjoy it a whole lot more. So the next time you go down on your man, make sure to be more enthusiastic about it and make sure you also use some of the blowjob tips from the links above.

Listen to the latest podcast episode – How To Have More Orgasms, More Often Subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher

If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter. You’ll also learn the 5 dangerous mistakes that will ruin your sex life and relationship. Get it here.


Learning how to talk dirty may not be that important when you first start dating your man. But as the relationship progresses it is the perfect way to make things more interesting and hot! So if you are serious about being good in bed, then you really have to learn how to talk dirty with 19 these examples.

Having discussed it with many students, one of the problems that I have noticed with learning how to talk dirty, is using it the first few times with your man. You may be nervous or shy about using it (learn how to get over sexual anxiety one or for all) or you may feel like giggling or laughing when you say something dirty to your man to break the tension. That’s normal, but please understand that:

Talking dirty is so much more powerful when you can say something slowly and confidently without breaking the tension.

One super-hot way to talk dirty is to tell your man about your fantasies. Everyone has fantasies. Check out some of the most common sexual fantasies in this post.


If you are serious about figuring out how to be good in bed, then you need to learn some new sex positions. Most couples usually get into a routine for sex after their first few months of dating. They usually have sex at night before going to sleep and sometimes in the morning (what are the benefits of morning sex? Find out here).

They usually have about 10 different positions that they run through but usually stick with just 3 or 4 for the most part. This routine is why men cheat. They get bored and they aren’t experiencing anything new and interesting. So my advice is to constantly stay learning.

This instructional video is a bit shocking, but it will teach you how to build sexual tension, keep your man thinking about you and how to have passioniate sex by whispering some very simple “dirty” phrases in his ear. Check it out here.

The Bad Girl’s Bible has a massive library of different sex positions for you to try. They range from straightforward and easy all the way to some very exotic positions that require a good bit of flexibility.

There are so many ways to have sex that you won’t believe them all! You can have sex on the bed, the sofa or even in the laundry room. Try standing for shower sex. More on that here.

Want to try something different? Here are 31 crazy sex positions you won’t believe!


I should probably have mentioned this first. A large part of being good in bed is learning what your partner likes. Maybe there are a few different positions he prefers more than any other position. Or maybe he likes it when you give him a blowjob in a certain way. Or he might hate it when you talk dirty to him, but he loves it when you dress up in some sexy lingerie.

Read: 10 Tips For Choosing the Perfect Lingerie

Doing what he likes is more important than simply trying something new. Your focus should be on your partner. If you have a new partner in the future, you’ll need to focus on what he likes and not what your ex likes.

Sometimes you can tell what your man likes by judging his reactions. But the best way is to talk to him about his wants and desires. You may think of asking him point blank the very next time you are both together, but being put on the spot like this may make him clam up and feel embarrassed about it.

A better way to start talking about what he likes is to wait until you are both in bed together and talking about sex. Tell him what you enjoy the most. Then afterwards ask him what he enjoys the most.

Talking about sex is crucial for a satisfying sex life, but it’s definitely not easy. We’ve provided you with advice in our helpful post about sexual communication. It includes information for finding out what your man wants as well as getting what you need sexually.

If you are still too shy to ask your man what he likes, then don’t worry. You can find out by just trying one of the many sex tips that you’ll find here in the Bad Girl’s Bible on your man and then seeing if he likes it. This way takes longer but can be a lot more fun.

Pay attention to his body language. Does he moan, buck his hips or start breathing faster? Or does he pull his body away from yours. Some men can be harder to read than others, of course.

Note that you don’t need to do everything he wants but being willing to try it out at least once will go a long way. You might find that you like some of those things, which leads us to our next point.


What’s hotter for your man than seeing you writhe in pleasure and, ultimately, orgasm? Women who know their own needs and desires tend to be better in bed.

When you know what you want – and ask for it, like we mentioned above – you’ll have a better time and be more engaged. Partners who are proactive are definitely better in bed. And you reap the benefit of getting your man to touch you the way you need.

The easiest way to get to know yourself is through masturbation. Use these 7 steps to masturbate yourself to orgasm. Focus on your clitoris, which is what brings most women pleasure.

Many women respond especially well to . Discover 20 toys you can add to your nightstand for better sex. You can even use some of those toys with your man.

Find out what you like, then tell or show your man how to do those things to you when you’re in the throes of passion.


Spontaneity is key to good sex. Simply switch things up and have sex in the morning rather than just before bed. If your man normally does the work, you can get on top and ride him. Boost your confidence when on top with these 10 tips.

If you’re the type who always has sex in the bedroom, try something new. Have sex on the couch or in the kitchen. Show your man that you can’t wait to get your clothes off and your hands on him.

Don’t be afraid to do it in the car or outside the house. Even if you rent a hotel room for the night, you can breathe new life into your sex life.

Surprise him with a sexy text when he’s at work. Slip a note into his lunchbox or greet him when he comes home while wearing nothing at all. As long as it’s out of the ordinary, it’ll pique his interest and supercharge your sex life.

Here are 7 sizzling tips to spice up your sex life once you’ve conquered spontaneous sex and having sex outside of the bedroom. Read our post with 9 kinkier ideas to add even more spice to the bedroom.

Note there are some things you shouldn’t necessarily be spontaneous about, including prostate play. Many men like prostate play, but you should talk to him before you do anything about it. If he’s down, read this post to learn where the prostate is and how to stimulate it.


It’s all about having fun and not comparing yourself to anyone else. If you’re having fun, your man will notice and he’ll have fun, too.

Learn to laugh in bed. Sex can be messy and awkward. If you’re uptight about it or make a big deal about the things that can naturally go wrong, then you might have a bad time.

But if you can laugh it off, something like queefing or an awkward position becomes a little deal that doesn’t sour the whole experience in anyone’s mind.

Remember, being good in bed isn’t about following a script. It’s about being you (your man chose you, after all!), just the you who is willing to explore and please your man. If you follow these steps in order every time, you’ll seem robotic and certainly not spontaneous. Chances are, you won’t have that much fun, either.

You don’t need to go down on your man every time or aim for a minimum number of sex positions as long as you’re having a good time. Nor must you fill every moment of silence with dirty talk. However, you want to pepper these things in naturally, so your sex life will never become mundane, and both you and your man will be satiated.

Your man will be impressed with how good you are in bed that he might even brag about you to his friends!

20+ Best Sex Toys for Better Orgasms and Greater Intimacy!

. If you’ve tried them, you might have discovered that they allow you to orgasm, even if you’ve never been able to before. Perhaps you’ve been able to have better with your man or negate difficulties due to erectile dysfunction – more on that here – or other issues that have been impeding your sex life.

This instructional video will teach you how to make him scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.

best sex toys

If you’re single, a sex can give you orgasms that keep you happy and healthy. Don’t believe us? Just read this post! Couples can learn more about one another, become more connected and spice up their sex lives with the help of sex toys. This article can teach you the basics of sex toys. But if you’re ready to dive right in and buy your first — or tenth! – sex toy, we’ve curated a list of the best sex toys around!
Classic Vibrators

These vibrators are intended for insertion. Unless there’s a flared base, you’ll want to only use them vaginally and not anally. Straighter shafts don’t necessarily stimulate the G-spot, but they can feel great anyway.

Stronic Eins: Okay, so it’s not exactly a vibrator, but this unique toy has won over sexy women time and again. With the Stronic line, Fun Factory introduced a thrusting sensation thanks to an internal piston. It’s not a replacement for sex, but it’s definitely interesting!The Stronic Eins has slight curve to the shaft to potentially stimulate your G-spot and a clitoral nub.
Big Boss: The second Fun Factory toy on this list has girth like you wouldn’t believe, rumbly vibrations and silicone that’s textured like velvet. You’ll definitely want to load up on the lube for comfort, but this is the vibrator you want if you’re a size queen!

Check out tips for using a vibrator.
The Best Sex Toys for G-spot Stimulation

The best sex toy to stimulate your G-spot will have a curved or angled head, often bulbous, to reach your G-spot with ease. A dildo with the right shape can send you into orgasmic bliss, while some people prefer vibrations on their G-spot. There’s no reason for you not to have at least one of each in your collection, of course!

Pure Wand: This stainless steel dildo from nJoy might seem intimidating, but it’s helped people who swear they don’t even have a G-spot find theirs and achieve orgasm! The metal means it’s hefty and responds well to temperature changes, while the curve and different-sized ends guide the wand right to your G-spot.
Mona 2: The first Lelo sex toy in this list is the company’s G-spot vibrator. The second edition offers more powerful vibrators and a head bend and tapered specifically for G-spot stimulation. Lelo makes some of the best sex toys that are rechargeable, and Mona is no exception!
Comet Key II Wand: Get a little more size with the Comet II by Cal Exotics. The original was just a curved glass shaft coated in silicone, not entirely different in shape from the Pure Wand. But the second introduces vibration to that bulb that’s designed specifically for G-spot stimulation!
Ella: For the G-spot that prefers to be stroked rather than vibrated, there’s the Ella., another body-safe silicone sex toy. Lelo’s dildo has the same shape as Gigi, which many people tout as the best sex toy for G-spot stimulation, but a much smaller price tag. You can even experiment with inserting the handle.

Wand Vibrators

Wand vibrators are typically those that you plug in. They derive from the very first vibrators, which were originally intended to help treat women for “hysteria.” In fact, your mom or grandma might own one! Two companies, Wahl and Hitachi, were among the first to sell these vibrators, even though they were marketed to help with back and other muscle pain with their intense vibrations.

If you want to give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter. You’ll also learn the 5 dangerous mistakes that will ruin your sex life and relationship. Get it here.

Today, the Hitachi Magic Wand is sold as the Magic Wand Original, and you can get attachments for G-spot and clitoral stimulation. Because of its power, the Hitachi is known as the best sex toy ever. There is also a Magic Wand Rechargeable that offers the same power of the corded version without tethering you to an outlet!
Clitoral Vibrators

Most women need clitoral stimulation to orgasm, which is why sex often misses the mark. However, you can add a clitoral vibrator to your sexploits or even solo sessions for easier orgasms than ever before!

Siri 2: Here’s another Lelo toy for you – Siri. The second version is rechargeable and also has an unique sound recognition mode. Even if you don’t find the latter function useful, it’s more rechargeable than the first Siri.
Ora 2: If you’re looking to emulate oral sex, why not give Ora 2 a try? Lelo has created a toy with a rotating beads beneath a thin layer of flexible silicone to stimulate your clitoris like a lover might. Add a dollop of lube – read more about that here – and you’re good to go. Ora 2 also vibrates so you can fall back on that.
Tango: Lelo isn’t the only company that makers amazing sex toys! We-Vibe, which you might know for their couples vibe, also makes some great solo toys. The Tango is one of them. This is the modern version of the lipstick vibrator – small and discreet enough to carry in your purse – that’s also rechargeable, waterproof and stronger than most small vibes.
Mina Limon: Many women like to squeeze their thighs together during orgasm, and Minna has created a smaller vibrator that fits perfectly between your legs and responds to that pressure. Of course, you can use your hands with the Limon, too. The harder you squeeze, the stronger the vibrations. You can also create pulsation and even record a custom mode with the Limon! Bonus: if you like Limon, try the insertable vibrator Ola.


The dildo is ubiquitous as being a basic sex toy, and it might also be the best sex toy. There are a number of things you can do after insertion: thrusting, turning or even external vibration from a powerful wand are a few. Learn more about dildos. Dildos come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials, so there are plenty to choose from. Here are a few to get your started.

Anything Vixen: Vixen was among the first dildo makers to create dual-density silicone under the VixSkin line. The inside is firm, while the outer layer is softer. The result is a more realistic toy for your enjoyment. The Maverick and Mustang are both fan favorites, or you can opt for the modern Raquel or the super-realistic Johnny. Vixen also makes regular silicone dildos like the Leo, and both can be sterilized by boiling or with a 10% bleach solution.
D.1: This stone dildo by Norwegian company Laid will have you feeling like you’re in the lap of luxury. It’s one of the heftier sex toys on this list, so it’s not ideal if you have arthritis. But the D.1 is gorgeous, gently curved and responds well to temperature.

Couples’ Vibrators

Couple’s vibrators exist to provide sensations to both partners during sex. Some are worn internally or around your partner’s penis, and others can rest between your bodies. Here are just some of our favorites:

We-Vibe: This U-shaped vibrator simultaneously stimulates your vagina and clitoris as it wraps around your pubic bone. It’s intended to be worn during sex, creating a snug sensation when your partner enters you. The newest model even comes with a remote control to make it easier to use!
Eva: Two flexible arms help you situate this tiny vibrator against your clitoris and keep it in place during sex. Your partner can feel the vibrations while he penetrates you, and you can also use it during masturbating with your favorite dildo.
Ooh Cock Ring: There are a number of vibrating cock rings that are designed to help your man last longer and provide clitoral stimulation with a vibrating component. Ooh by Je Joue pairs a strong-yet-small rechargeable motor with different attachments, and one is the cock ring. Stretchy silicone means your man can be comfortable while the ring is wrapped around the base of his cock. You can try wrapping it around his balls, too. This post has tips for using cock rings.

Anal Toys

Anal toys can be used by men or women. Your man’s prostate will love one if he’s okay with anal exploration, and wearing one during masturbation or sex can help you feel amazingly filled!

Bootie: A thin neck and narrow base means this butt plug stays in place comfortably between your cheeks. It’s made from body-safe silicone, which can even be sterilized. Wear it during sex, masturbation or simply while you’re doing chores. Might this be the best sex toy for anal play? You tell us!
Pure Plugs: For more experienced users, there are the Pure Plugs. nJoy makes their stainless steel plugs in various sizes, so you can find the perfect one for you. The loop works as a handle and makes the plugs safe for insertion, but they’re definitely heavier than most butt toys.

Make sure to read this post for info about butt plug techniques and anal toy safety.

This instructional video is a bit shocking, but it will teach you how to build sexual tension, keep your man thinking about you and how to have passioniate sex by whispering some very simple “dirty” phrases in his ear. Check it out here.
Kegel Exercisers

Kegel exercises are designed to help strengthen PC muscles. You don’t need anything to do them, but these are the best sex toys if you want to have more fun and get better feedback.

Luna Beads: Lelo’s weight kegel system provides options for people who want to strengthen your kegel muscles. It’s useful to do these exercises after giving birth. They can also help you feel tighter for your man, experience better orgasms and even squirt. Learn more about that here. The Luna beads come with an easy removal cord, so they won’t be as difficult to retrieve as ben wa balls.
kGoal: Not sure whether kegels are doing you any good? Check out this smart sex toy from Minna. It works with your smartphone to tell you the strength of your PC muscles and to help you improve them even more! That’s what makes it one of the best sex toys.

A sex toy can unlock your hidden sexual potential, and the best sex toy will be one that’s high quality and can provide you with years of orgasms! Try one of these by yourself or with your partner to see how fun sex toys can be!

8 Fantastic Homemade Sex Toys For Incredible Orgasms

Making your own , crazy or genius? It might be a little bit of both. If you’re staying at your boyfriend’s, just getting interested in toys – more on that in this post – or wanting to try something new, the idea of making your own sex toys might seem appealing. People try making sex toys all the time; although, they don’t always do it wisely.

Quick Warning: While this tutorial video is quite distressing, it will teach you how to make your man scream with pleasure and become sexually addicted to you. If you are interested in having a man completely obsessed with you and only you, then check out the detailed (& explicit!) oral sex tutorial video here.

homemade sex toys

You can safely make some sex toys or borrow a few household items to achieve orgasm. You can get creative when making your own dildo or bondage gear, and even apply your artistic skills to the process. This is especially true if you already have knowledge of an art or craft – glass or leather work, for example – that can be applied to sex toys.

But where do you start?
8 Homemade Sex Toys

Below, you’ll find some examples of homemade sex toys that you can try yourself. They vary in form, function and difficulty, and not all of them might be up your alley. Still, you might be surprised as what you can make or find at home to help get yourself off!
1. Ice Dildo

The ice dildo is an easy DIY project to mark off on your homemade sex toys list. You can do it in one of two ways:

Fill a condom with water, tie it shut and pop it into the freezer until it’s solid.
Substitute water for juice in a popsicle mold.

The popsicle method provides you with a handle, so you’re not freezing your hand or melting water all over it. You can use the dildo without removing the condom, or you can carefully take it off from the frozen dildo once it’s ready.

My most powerful sex tricks and tips aren’t on this site. If you want to access them and give your man back-arching, toe-curling, screaming orgasms that will keep him sexually obsessed with you, then you can learn these secret sex techniques in my private and discreet newsletter. You’ll also learn the 5 dangerous mistakes that will ruin your sex life and relationship. Get it here.

When you’re playing with this DIY sex , you may want to lay down a towel so your bed doesn’t get wet. Use this dildo in the shower if you prefer; although, it will definitely melt faster!
2. Clone A Willy

Here’s a DIY sex toy that’s a little longer lasting. Clone A Willy is a company that actually provides the materials to make a mold of someone’s penis and turn it into your own vibrating dildo, candle or even chocolate snack! It’s silly and also a fun way to spend time with your man. The kit comes with everything you need to make the clone, including instructions. The process is a quick one, and there’s not a lot of room to dawdle or make mistakes.

People especially find themselves over-stirring the mold mix, which allows it to harden prematurely. The mold should be soft while your partner is hard, which means he’s got to be prepared, too! However, if you get this right, it can definitely be fun and leave you with a very functional homemade sex toy.
3. Tampons as Butt Plugs

If you’ve read our information about butt plugs, then you know safety is a must when it comes to the back door. Anything without a proper handle could become lost, which means it’s even harder to find or make the right homemade sex toy for anal exploration. It’s totally natural if you want to explore butt play, but what if you’re not sure you’ll like it? Should you run out and buy a toy? Not so fast.

You probably have some tampons if you’re of menstruating age, or you can easily borrow one from a friend. Tampons with applicators are easy to insert with a little bit of lube (read more about lube) and you’ve got a DIY butt plug. You can keep it in while you masturbate with a dildo for an extra filling sensation. Because tampons are softer and smaller than most sex toys, this might be a good way to introduce yourself to anal insertion. If you like it, graduate to something bigger over time. If not, no big deal!

When you’re done, the string makes for easy removal.

This instructional video is a bit shocking, but it will teach you how to build sexual tension, keep your man thinking about you and how to have passioniate sex by whispering some very simple “dirty” phrases in his ear. Check it out here.
4. Washing Machine

The clothes are on the spin cycle and you’d like a satisfying orgasm, but your vibrator’s batteries are dead. What’a a girl to do? Simply hop on or lean against your washing machine so you can feel the vibrations as it moves. Your clothes are still getting clean even if you’re being dirty, and it’ll be more intense than any vibrator!
5. Back Massager

Let’s be honest, many back massagers are nothing more than vibrators that can easily be used externally. In fact, that’s how the Hitachi and Wahl became two of the most popular wand vibrators around. More on that here. So if you’ve got a massager tucked away somewhere from an old pulled muscle, why not break it out and try it on a more sensitive part of your body? You can thank us later!
6. Vibrating Cell Phones and Devices

Okay, so you don’t have a massager on hand and your washing machine is broken. Don’t worry! Most of us carry around vibrating devices on a daily basis. Yes, we’re talking about your cell phone. The vibrations are much weaker than most actual vibrators, but it can do in a pinch. The big concern is not butt dialing someone, but keeping the vibrations going and keeping a barrier between you and the toy to both protect it from bacteria and prevent moisture damage. Using your phone as a clitoral vibrator through your panties solves most of these problems.

Vibrate Plus and Pleasure Droid are two apps for Android devices; but Apple bans similar apps from the iTunes store. Of course, using your phone for this DIY sex toy will drain the battery quickly.

Cosmetics have also hopped on the vibrating bandwagon, so your vibrating mascara or toothbrush can also be used as long as it has enough battery life.
7. Clay Dildo or Plug

Here’s a little homemade sex toy: a dildo or butt plug made out of clay. Not only does a clay dildo provide sexual satisfaction, but you get the satisfaction of doing it yourself and creating a one-of-a-kind homemade sex toy. Choose your favorite colors and the size and shape that you like best. You can even add glow-in-the-dark clay.

Baking a sex toy in a kiln, if you know someone who has space in theirs, is the safest and most effective method. For a butt plug, a pottery wheel comes in handy. But you’ll want to fire it twice, glazing before the second fire, to make it nonporous and safe to use. Otherwise, colors and chemicals could leach out of your homemade sex toy and into your body. Yuck! Avoid softer clay or those that are crumbly because they could break off or even leave a residue, leading to a nasty infection.
8. Commandeer Household Items for BDSM

These aren’t exactly homemade sex toys, but you can use a number of items that you probably have lying around your home to make your sex life better. For example:

A spatula or wooden spoon makes a great spanking implement.
A soft belt can become a single-tail whip (just make sure not to use the end with the buckle!).
Paper clips and clamps can be placed on your nipples if you like that type of nipple play. More on that.
A clean feather duster can tease and tickle your partner into a frenzy.
A soft scarf, fuzzy wrap or similar item feels great when dragged across the skin.
Old sports paddles can become spanking paddles without any work!

And if you’re interested, you can make a number of wood paddles yourself from wood. Cut, sand and paint wood to become a paddle in any shape you want. A length of rope and a few knots makes a flogger. Instructions here. You can even make a flogger out of shoe laces! In fact, rope is relatively cheap and can be used to make all sorts of bondage. If you’ve got the tools for cutting, punching and sewing leather, you’ll open up a whole new world of homemade sex toys, too!
The Risks of Homemade Sex Toys

There are a number of considerations when it comes to homemade sex toys. When you go the DIY route, you run the risk of:

Getting an infection such as a bacterial infection or yeast infection.
Injuring yourself because of items that aren’t intended to be inserted.
Getting an item without a proper flared base or handle lost in your rectum and having to go to the emergency room.

You should use caution and common sense when it comes to making or finding homemade sex toys. Take your time whenever you make a homemade sex toy, and you could have something safe and beautiful. Rush it or make a hasty decision because you’re dying to get off, and you could wind up in pain in the hospital.