Everyone has heard of the G Spot, even if some people have a hard time finding it. But that’s not the only way to unlock pleasure. Have you heard of the A Spot, another sensitive area that’s capable of causing full body orgasms? Few women – and even fewer men – are familiar with the A Spot, but we’ve got the information that you missed in health class!

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naked woman in orgasm as her A Spot is stimulated

Before we get into the “Where” of this sensitive spot, let’s talk about the “What.” The A Spot isn’t always called the A Spot, and that can lead to some confusion. It’s also called the Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone or AFE. This name describes the location of this erogenous zone, toward the back of the vagina, above the cervix.

If that has you feeling hesitant because you’re not particularly fond of cervical stimulation, we understand. Many women don’t appreciate having their cervix touched at all, let alone in a less-than-gentle manner. Spots like these can be sensitive in a negative way if you don’t stimulate them the right way.


You’ve probably not learned about the Anterior Fornix Erogenous in your anatomy classes, many of which fail to even teach about the G Spot! This is partially due to it existing only for sexual function and partially due to the limited knowledge we have about the A Spot.

The A Spot is between 5-6 inches back, but can be difficult to reach depending upon angle. You’ll want to breeze right past the G Spot to find the A Spot. You can use fingers – a partner’s will probably reach better than your own – or a . Use lube to get started, however, because penetration can be uncomfortable without it.

If your partner is using his hands to stimulate your Anterior Fornix Erogenous zone, he’ll want to make sure his nails are trimmed short. He may also be able to stimulate this spot with his penis, but he’ll want to aim toward the upper wall.

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A longer G Spot type wand can be useful so that you can reach the A Spot while still having enough handle to hold onto. Otherwise, you can try using a dildo once you’ve got the location down.

Start with fingers to help locate the A Spot before using a toy. Move from the G Spot backward. Use pressure as you move closer to the cervix. The A Spot feels more rubbery than the rest of the vaginal walls, and you can use a similar scooping/come hither motion with fingers to stimulate it that you would use when stimulating the G Spot. Aim your fingers toward your bellybutton to find the right angle.


It’s normal if you feel extra wet during A Spot stimulation. This is completely normal and might even be beneficial if you have troubles self-lubricating. Interestingly enough, research by Dr. Chua Chee Ann, who discovered the A Spot, has shown that stimulating the Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone can increase physical arousal even if you’re not in the mood for sex. He advises stimulating the A Spot for at least 10 minutes daily to increase your overall arousal and lubrication production.

However, if you want to learn other ways to get in the mood, we have advice for that, too. Of course, you can also invest in some personal lubricant for extra smoothness.

Some sexual therapists recommend using A Spot stimulation to get your body physically ready for sex if your relationship has been lacking in this department. However, Dr. Jess cautions that relying solely on your body’s physical response to stimulation of this spot is not a good replacement for emotional intimacy in your relationship – and we agree!


If at first, you don’t succeed, try another position for A Spot stimulation. You might start on your back, move to a sitting position or try doggie style if that works better for A Spot stimulation. The right position is key for vaginal orgasm, which can be more difficult for women to achieve than clitoral orgasm. We’ve got over 100 sex positions in this list, so take your pick or use it to devise your own.

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Some women enjoy G Spot or A spot stimulation with a hand placed above their mons pubis. When you push down, you’ll stimulate those spots in two directions, which can increase the pleasure. Dr. Chua Chee Ann recommends simultaneous stimulation of other parts of the vagina to get the most out of your experience. Some people find that stimulating from the Anterior Fornix Erogenous zone to the G Spot is a great way to incorporate both.

If you’re not a fan of G Spot stimulation, you can try stimulating your clitoris or even your anus at the same time as A Spot stimulation. The AFE can work beautifully with other stimulation than you already like.


As you continue to stimulate your AFE, you might experience a different type of orgasm from G Spot or clitoral orgasms. It should feel deeper. Most women report that it’s more intense.

After stimulating the Anterior Fornix Erogenous, you should notice that your cervix softens, which may help if touching you cervix is uncomfortable. This might be the time to try deep penetration if it doesn’t work at other times.

If you’d like to achieve multiple orgasms, you might want to add A Spot orgasms to your routine.


Like any erogenous zone in the female body, the A Spot has the potential to induce a different type of orgasm. Or you might simply find that you experience more pleasure without orgasm. For some women, the AFE isn’t necessarily pleasurable, just like some women don’t experience a lot of pleasure from G Spot stimulation. The vagina and all its parts vary widely, so this is completely normal.

If that’s you, it’s perfectly okay. There’s no secret spot to unlock pleasure, and you should simply feel good about the pleasure you do receive and try not to focus so much on things you’re unable to achieve. If your A Spot does like to be touched, produces more lubrication or even is capable of orgasm, congratulations! Throw it into your routine to spice up your sex life now and again!

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