Pheromol Factor Pheromones for Men

Pheromol Factor Pheromones for Men Previously available only in the UK, The Pheromol Factor is now available in all countries exclusively through Love Scent. The Pheromol Factor is a simple pheromone fragrance developed by Dr. George Dodd, one of the world's leading aroma biotechnology scientists. Dodd calls it "The scent of sexual attraction", and we certainly agree!The Pheromol Factor for Men has an exotic scent that is strong enough to cover the pheromone smell, but light enough that it can easily be combined with many other colognes. The fragrance has been engineered alongside the pheromone content to help users attract women and build the self confidence needed to succeed in any social setting. At only $29.95, The Pheromol Factor for Men is one of the most cost-efficient pheromone fragrances available at Love Scent.The Pheromol Factor comes in a 11.5 ml bottle with 3% pheromone content

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