Euphoria Vibrator – Small and Powerful

Euphoria Vibrator - Small and Powerful Euphoria Vibrator - Small and Powerful Why We Love the Euphoria loves the Euphoria Vibrator because it's the perfect option for a woman who doesn't want a large vibrator, but still wants a well-made vibrator with deluxe features. The Euphoria Vibrator is a small silicone vibrator that vibrates at 10 intense speeds and feels incredible to the touch. Discreet, quiet and waterproof, the Euphoria Vibrator will put you in a zen state of mind. About the Euphoria Vibrator The Euphoria Vibrator is a smaller vibrator, measuring at four inches of insertable length with a diameter of one inch. It features a curved head for extra g-spot stimulation. How does the Euphoria Vibrator Feel? You can use this powerful vibrator internally or externally for on-the-spot vibrations. With an extra silky silicone body and ridges along the length, this small vibrator boasts as many features as a vibrator twice its size. Use and Special Instructions The Euphoria Vibrator is easy to operate, with two push-button controls at its base. It also features an easy on/off button. This body-safe vibrator should be used with water-based lubricant only. Wash it with an antibacterial sex toy cleaner or soap. Takes 1 AA battery. Waterproof. Euphoria Vibrator Facts Type: Small Vibrator Length: 4 inches Diameter: 1 inch Material: Silicone Ten intense speeds Textured, with a curved head Best For: external stimulation of the clitoris internal g-spot massage Who Will Love the Euphoria: Women who desire a small, powerful vibrator Batteries: 1 AA Battery Understanding Sound and VibrationHere at, we test each and every vibrator for vibration and sound levels. Our Vibrator Institute doesn't test vibrators the way you might think; instead, we use scientific equipment that reads vibration and decibel levels. Based on these levels, each vibrator we sell gets a rating. The Power Level ratings are Gentle, Pleasurable, Intense and Unrelenting. The Sound Level ratings are Whisper, Purr, Hum, Buzz and Thundering. The Euphoria Vibrator has a rating of Intense Purr. This means it vibrates at a strong level, and is pretty quiet. If we don't like the look, feel, sound or vibration level of a sex toy, we don't sell it. That's why only sells about 300 vibrators. There are tens of thousands of vibrators on the market, and that's a lot for a customer to wade through. We offer only the best vibrators, so you can choose the best vibrator for you in the easiest way possible.

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